The purpose of this site is to show a simple demonstration of the User-Agent Reduction Origin Trial. User-Agent (UA) Reduction is an effort within Chromium to minimize passive fingerprinting by reducing the entropy in the User-Agent request header and the Navigator JavaScript APIs (`navigator.userAgent`, `navigator.platform`).
- The /navigator endpoint demonstrates the reduced user agent string values returned by the `navigator.userAgent` and `navigator.platform` JavaScript getters in the presence of a UA Reduction Origin Trial token.
- The /ua-header endpoint demonstrates the User-Agent request header containing the reduced user agent string in the presence of a valid UA Reduction Origin Trial token for all subsequent requests to the site.
- The /ua-header-critical is similar to `/ua-header`, except the first navigation will also send the reduced user-agent string in the User-Agent request header.
- The /ua-header-clear sends an empty `Accept-CH` header in the response, to clear out the origin trial so that subsequent requests to `/ua-header-clear` will not contain the reduced user agent string.